The Story of CoCo &

BYOD ★ DC Pet Sitting

In 2006, I adopted my now dearly departed but forever beloved dog daughter CoCo. I fell madly and deeply in love with this sweet puppy. I always had dogs growing up but it had been over fifteen years since I last had a dog. CoCo truly was the missing puzzle piece in my life.

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CoCo changed my life not just personally but also professionally. My priorities changed. My world immediately revolved around CoCo. We were inseparable except when I had to go to work in real estate. By 2008, after eleven intense yet successful years in real estate, I was truly happiest being with my dog. So, I decided to be with CoCo as much as possible and began working with dogs.

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I started as a dog walker and by 2009, I discovered the joy of home pet sitting. CoCo was a sweet, loving, gracious and gentle Black Labrador and she became my Official Hostess. She loved all these dogs and held court in her home like a beloved and benevolent ruler.

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 In May 2009, we took a big risk and moved from the Palisades to much greener pastures in Upper Marlboro, Maryland into a fixer-upper farmhouse near Andrews AFBase. After weeks of hard work we opened BYOD-DC Pet Sitting and were quickly booked up. CoCo and I were truly meant to do this, it was our calling.

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 Seasons changed, the weeks turned into months, the months became years and the years accumulated into a decade. Over one hundred and fifty dogs enjoyed their vacations at BYOD-DC Pet Sitting – but not all at once, obviously. Every day brought gratitude and bliss being able to be with my constant companion CoCo. All of the dogs became cherished members of our large extended dog family.


 That decade was not always kind to my CoCo: she had many major health issues that resulted in a near constant state of veterinarian care and subsequent recovery. But, with the best veterinarian treatment possible and my constant care and devotion, CoCo rallied her strength and spirits, always happily presiding over our busy life at BYOD-DC Pet Sitting and caring for our many dog guests.


 By 2015, CoCo was in frail health and we had stop welcoming any new, younger dog guests out of concern for her safety. She almost died on Christmas Eve of 2017. After two more brushes with death, I exhausted all possible treatment options. In the summer of 2018, I had to say goodbye to my dear CoCo. It was the most painful loss of my entire adult life and I miss her to this day.

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 I had never done pet sitting without CoCo by my side. Your dogs helped to fill that void in my heart and helped it heal. Now, my heart and soul, which always belonged to my CoCo, is now shared equally and joyfully with all of your dogs.
