Registration Process

Harmony of the pack is essential for a reliably safe, happy and fun vacation at your dog’s Home Away From Home at BYOD-DC Pet Sitting. To achieve that objective, we limit the number of dog guests and meticulously pre-screen and evaluate every dog by using the following Temperament Guidelines:

  • well socialized with dogs

  • friendly with people

  • spayed and neutered

  • completely housebroken

  • past the over-active puppy phase — prefer that they have an ‘off’ switch

  • respects boundaries of other dogs

  • good off-leash (but not necessarily a deal-breaker)

  • responds to basic commands like “come” when called

Disqualifying issues:

  • aggressive alpha behavior – zero tolerance policy for fighting

  • severe separation anxiety or fear

  • excessive barking — I have neighbors

  • destructive tendencies ( digging up my lawn or chewing household items)

  • dogs who are determined escape artists: Beagles, Hounds, Huskies,scent-driven dogs, etc.

  • Pitbulls are banned in this county so we are, regrettably, unable to accept them as dog guests.

  • Preference is given to female dogs as they tend not to mark indoors

  • NOTE: many dogs who attend indoor dog day care/boarding facilities with little to no access to eliminate outdoors are given a permission struture to urinate and defecate indoors. They may not do it at your home but often make a connection between my place and an indoor boarding place and may do that here. Should that occur, it’s an immediate deal-breaker, for obvious reasons. I would urge you to avoid those facilities and instead hire a dog walker to keep your dog outdoors instead of those dog warehouses.

  • NOTE: Canine Influenza Vaccine is ***MANDATORY*** — there have been outbreaks and some kennels were forced to close. It can be a 2-part vaccination process spaced 2-weeks apart. Plan ahead. If your Vet doesn’t carry it, contact another Vet. ALL-PAWS in Upper Marlboro, MD has been able to speedily accommodate my clients. They are very reasonably priced and have served me well over many years.

  • NOTE: in order to avoid ANY type of cross-contamination, I have anywhere from 20-30 small waterbowls for the dogs and after EVERY SINGLE TIME a dog drinks out of it, it gets replaced with a clean one with fresh water. I recycle the water for watering my garden.

If you feel that your dog would be a compatible new member of my extended dog family at BYOD*DC Pet Sitting, please follow the three next steps in the Registration and Interview process:

  1. Text or email for the BYOD-DC Dog Profile Questionnaire, Pet Parent- BYOD-DC Agreement and the Dog Medical Care Directive Form. Fill them out and email it back to me as a PDF document at All prospective dogs are pre-screened using the questionnaire - it is an invaluable resource to help me better know your dog and any special needs or nuances to make them more comfortable during their vacation. Please include proof of licenses and all recent vaccinations. All dogs must be in good general health and free of all communicable diseases or contagious conditions that could place another dog’s health at risk. All dogs must be protected by heartworm and flea and tick treatments.

  2. We schedule and then conduct a meeting to gage temperament: this is also your opportunity to ask me any questions or have me address any concerns.

  3. A Free Trial Overnight visit a.k.a. A Dog Slumber Party, in their Home Away From Home. This includes the pick-up and drop-off transportation. The Free Trial Overnight visit helps me see how well they adjust to and enjoy their Home Away From Home and get along with their new dog guest friends. The added major benefit of a Free Trial Overnight visit in their Home Away From Home is that your dog understands that this is not their new permanent home, as they are returned to you the next day. Moreover, when they return for their actual vacation, there is no additional acclimation process as they have already vacationed at their Home Away From Home and remember it as a fun experience.

We have cared for dogs full-time for over 13 years and welcomed over 150+ dog guests. We may accommodate last-minute emergency request for established dog guests but do request a 24-hour cancellation policy out of respect for the other dog guests and clients who may need the accommodations.


For forms and further information, please contact:

Patrick D. Nolen
Owner & Operator
(202) 422-7400